EMT — External Memory Timing Register (NOTE) FEH Set1 Bank0 Bit Identifier .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0
Reset Value 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 −
Read/Write R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W −
Addressing Mode Register addressing mode only
.7 External WAIT Input Function Enable Bit
0 Disable WAIT input function for external device
1 Enable WAIT input function for external device
.6 Slow Memory Timing Enable Bit
0 Disable slow memory timing
1 Enable slow memory timing
.5 and .4 Program Memory Automatic Wait Control Bits
0 0 No wait
0 1 Wait one cycle
1 0 Wait two cycles
1 1 Wait three cycles
.3 and .2 Data Memory Automatic Wait Control Bits
0 0 No wait
0 1 Wait one cycle
1 0 Wait two cycles
1 1 Wait three cycles
.1 Stack Area Selection Bit
0 Select internal register file area
1 Select external data memory area
.0 Not used for S3F80P5
NOTE: The EMT register is not used for S3F80P5, because an external peripheral interface is not implemented in the
S3F80P5. The program initialization routine should clear the EMT register to '00H' following a reset. Modification of
EMT values during normal operation may cause a system malfunction.