Samsung VP - MS10(S), VP - MS11(R) Music Mode Playing Music Files, Using the USB cable provided

Models: VP - MS12(R) VP - MS11(R) VP - MS11(S) VP - MS10(BL) VP - MS15(R) VP - MS15(S) VP - MS10(S) VP - MS10(R) VP - MS15(BL) VP - MS11(BL) VP - MS12(BL) VP - MS12(S)

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Music Mode (ReÏim hudba):

Music Mode : Playing Music Files

Pfiehrávání hudebních souborÛ


Copying Music Files from a PC

Kopírování hudebních souborÛ z PC

You can copy music files from a PC while connected to the PC with a USB

MÛÏete kopírovat hudební soubory z PC, kdyÏ je zafiízení pfiipojeno k PC



kabelem USB.



1. Turn the Mode Dial to Music mode.



Otoãte Ovladaã reÏimÛ na reÏim Music

2. Press the [POWER] button to turn on





the Miniket photo.




2. Miniket Photo zapnete stiskem tlaãítka

3. Connect the Miniket Photo to the PC





using the USB cable provided



Pfiipojte Miniket Photo k PC dodan˘m

(refer to page 139).


kabelem USB (viz strana 139).

A Connect the USB cable to the



A. Kabel USB pfiipojte k zafiízení


Miniket photo.



Miniket Photo.

B Connect the other end of the USB



B. Druh˘ konec kabelu USB pfiipojte k


cable to the PC.





4. Set the desired memory type on the


4. Nastavte poÏadovan˘ typ pamûti na

PC. Windows XP: Dialog windows may



poãítaãi. Windows XP: Dialogová okna

pop up overlapped.



se mohou objevit pfiekrytá.

Locate the <Miniket> or <Removable Storage Device> recognised by

Najdûte <Miniket> nebo <Vymûnitelné ukládací zafiízení> rozpoznané


the PC and then double-click it.


va‰ím PC, a poklepejte na nûj. U jin˘ch systémÛ neÏ Windows XP:

Other than Windows XP: It appears to have two instances of


Vypadá to, Ïe máte dva v˘skyty „Vymûnitelného disku“. Pokud se


“Removable Disk”. If it displays D and E drives as removable disks, D is


zobrazuje, Ïe jednotky D a E jsou vymûnitelné disky, D je pamûÈová


the mini SD Memory Card and E is the internal memory.


karta mini SD a E je vnitfiní pamûÈ.

5. Copy your music files and paste it into the folder <MUSIC1>,

5. Zkopírujte své hudební soubory a vloÏte je do sloÏek <MUSIC1>,

<MUSIC2>, <MUSIC3> or <MUSIC4>.

<MUSIC2>, <MUSIC3> nebo <MUSIC4>. Urãitû zkopírujte své hudební

Be sure to copy your music files into the existing folders under <MP3>.

soubory do uÏ existujících sloÏek ve sloÏce <MP3>.

Up to 500 files can be stored in each folder.

V kaÏdé sloÏce lze uloÏit aÏ 500 souborÛ.

[ Warning ]

Copying and redistributing of MP3 files may violate the copyright law.

You cannot create a new folder on your Miniket Photo set.

If you create a new folder on your memory card with a PC, it will not play back music files stored in it.

<MUSIC1> ~ <MUSIC4> are system folders. When the folders are renamed, it may not be recognised by the system and will not play back music files under renamed folders.

Folders created on a PC will not appear on the set.

[ Notes ]

Regarding Music file capacity according to memory capacity, refer to page 31.

The music played back will begin with the first music file that is stored in the top folder (MUSIC1).

It is recommended to use an AC Power Adapter during the file transfer to avoid unintended power outage.

The Miniket Photo supports NetSync DRM.

[ Varování ]

Kopírování a opakovaná distribuce souborÛ MP3 mÛÏe poru‰ovat autorská práva.

Ve va‰em zafiízení Miniket Photo nemÛÏete vytvofiit novou sloÏku.

KdyÏ vytvofiíte novou sloÏku na va‰í pamûÈové kartû pomocí PC, zafiízení nepfiehraje hudební soubory na ní uloÏené.

<MUSIC1> - <MUSIC4> jsou systémové sloÏky. KdyÏ je pfiejmenujete, systém je nemusí rozpoznat a nepfiehraje hudební soubory v pfiejmenovan˘ch sloÏkách.

SloÏky vytvofiené v poãítaãi se v pfiístroji neobjeví.

[ Poznámky ]

Informace o kapacitû pro hudební soubory v souvislosti s kapacitou pamûti viz strana 31.

Pfiehrávání hudby zaãne prvním hudebním souborem, uloÏen˘m v první sloÏce (MUSIC1).

Doporuãujeme bûhem pfienosu souborÛ pouÏívat napájecí adaptér, aby nedo‰lo k neúmyslnému v˘padku napájení.

Miniket Photo podporuje NetSync DRM.

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Samsung VP - MS10(S), VP - MS11(R) Music Mode Playing Music Files, Using the USB cable provided, Kabelem USB viz strana

VP - MS12(R), VP - MS11(R), VP - MS11(S), VP - MS10(BL), VP - MS15(R) specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leading innovator in the realm of technology and appliances, showcasing a diverse array of products that cater to various consumer needs. Among its lineup, the VP series of vacuum cleaners, specifically the VP - MS12(S), VP - MS12(BL), VP - MS11(BL), VP - MS15(BL), and VP - MS10(R), stand out for their modern features and cutting-edge technologies.

Starting with the VP - MS12(S) and VP - MS12(BL), these models are designed for users who prioritize efficiency and convenience. Both models feature powerful suction capabilities, ensuring that dirt and debris are effectively removed from a variety of surfaces. Their lightweight design enhances maneuverability, allowing users to clean without feeling fatigued. The VP - MS12(S) offers a stylish silver finish, while the VP - MS12(BL) boasts a sleek black design, appealing to different aesthetic preferences.

The VP - MS11(BL) adds to the versatility of the series with its unique multi-cyclonic filtration system. This technology is designed to capture fine dust particles and allergens, making it an excellent choice for homes with allergy sufferers. The VP - MS11(BL) is equipped with a variety of attachments, including a motorized brush for carpets and a crevice tool for tight spaces, ensuring thorough cleaning across different environments.

Meanwhile, the VP - MS15(BL) elevates the user experience with its advanced smart technology features. It includes real-time monitoring that allows users to check battery status and suction power through a user-friendly display. This model also features extended battery life, making it ideal for larger spaces or longer cleaning sessions.

Lastly, the VP - MS10(R) is tailored for those seeking a compact yet powerful cleaning solution. Its robust suction power and efficient design make it perfect for quick cleanups and smaller areas. Additionally, it is engineered for quiet operation, ensuring that users can clean at any time without disturbing others.

Overall, the Samsung VP series exemplifies innovation through its blend of design, functionality, and technology. With each model catering to different cleaning needs, these vacuum cleaners are well-equipped to handle the challenges of modern household maintenance, providing consumers with tools that make cleaning more efficient and enjoyable. The combination of performance, user-friendly features, and stylish aesthetics makes the VP series a noteworthy investment for any home.