Samsung VP - MS12(S) Cleaning and Maintenance ÚdrÏbaâi‰tûní a údrÏba, Po pouÏití Miniket Photo

Models: VP - MS12(R) VP - MS11(R) VP - MS11(S) VP - MS10(BL) VP - MS15(R) VP - MS15(S) VP - MS10(S) VP - MS10(R) VP - MS15(BL) VP - MS11(BL) VP - MS12(BL) VP - MS12(S)

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ENGLISH Miscellaneous Information :

Dal‰í informace: âi‰tûní a

Cleaning and Maintenance

údrÏbaâi‰tûní a údrÏba


After using the Miniket Photo

For the safekeeping of the Miniket Photo, follow these steps.

Turn the Miniket Photo off.

Remove the battery pack (refer to page 20).

Remove the mini SD card (refer to page 33).

To prevent any damage to the LCD monitor, do not apply excessive force to its moving parts.

Do not drop or in any way shock the Miniket Photo.

For prolonged use of the Miniket Photo, avoid using it in places subject to excessive humidity or dust.

Do not leave the Miniket Photo in places subject to:

Excessive humidity, steam, soot, or dust.

Excessive shock or vibration.

Extremely high (over 50°C or 122°F) or extremely low (under 0°C or 32°F) temperatures.

Strong electromagnetic fields.

Direct sunlight or in a closed car on a hot day.

For the safe use of the battery pack, follow these guidelines:

To conserve battery power, be sure to turn off the Miniket Photo when not in use.

Battery consumption may vary depending on the condition of use. Recording with many starts and stops, frequent zooming, and recording in low temperatures will shorten actual recording times.

Dispose of used battery packs promptly. Do not dispose of Battery Packs by burning them.

The battery pack will become warm during charging and use. This is not a malfunction.

The battery pack has a limited service life. If the period of use becomes noticeably shorter with a normal charge, the battery pack is at the end of its service life. Replace it with a new battery pack.

For the safe use of the mini SD card, follow these guidelines:

The mini SD card should be stored away from heaters and other heat sources. Avoid storing mini SD cards under direct sunlight and avoid electromagnetic fields.

Do not power off any devices while transferring data, as this may destroy the data.

Back up your image data often to a hard disk or other permanent storage media.

Format the mini SD card periodically.

When formatting the mini SD card, format in the Miniket Photo.

Po pouÏití Miniket Photo

Miniket Photo uskladnûte podle následujících krokÛ.

Vypnûte Miniket Photo.

Vyjmûte baterii (viz strana 20).

Vyjmûte mini SD kartu (viz strana 33).

Nevyvíjejte na pohyblivé ãásti LCD monitoru pfiíli‰ velkou sílu, aby se nepo‰kodil.

NeupusÈte Miniket Photo ani jej nevystavujte Ïádn˘m nárazÛm.

Del‰í Ïivotnost zafiízení Miniket Photo zajistíte, kdyÏ jej nebudete pouÏívat v místech s nadmûrnou vlhkostí nebo pra‰ností.

Nenechávejte Miniket Photo na místech s následujícími podmínkami:

Nadmûrná vlhkost, páry, d˘m nebo prach.

Nadmûrné otfiesy nebo vibrace

Pfiíli‰ vysoká (nad 50 °C nebo 122 °F) nebo nízká (pod 0 °C nebo 32 °F) teplota

Silná elektromagnetická pole.

Pfiímé sluneãní záfiení nebo uzavfiené auto za horkého poãasí.

Pro bezpeãné pouÏívání jednotky baterie dodrÏujte tyto pokyny:

Pro úsporu napûtí baterie vypínejte Miniket Photo, kdyÏ jej nepouÏíváte.

V˘drÏ baterie se mÛÏe li‰it v závislosti na podmínkách pouÏití. Nahrávání s mnoha spu‰tûními a zastaveními, ãast˘m pouÏíváním funkce zoom a nahrávání v nízk˘ch teplotách zkracuje v˘slednou dobu nahrávání.

PouÏité baterie ihned zlikvidujte. Nelikvidujte baterie spalováním.

Baterie se pfii nabíjení a pouÏívání zahfiívá. Nejde o poruchu.

Baterie má omezenou Ïivotnost. KdyÏ se celková doba nahrávání pfii normálním nabití velmi zkrátí, blíÏí se konec Ïivotnosti baterie. VymûÀte baterii za novou.

Pro bezpeãné pouÏívání mini SD karty dodrÏujte tyto pokyny:

Mini SD kartu je nutno skladovat mimo dosah radiátorÛ a jin˘ch zdrojÛ tepla. Mini SD karty neukládejte na pfiímém slunci a vyhnûte se elektromagnetick˘m polím.

Nevypínejte zafiízení pfii pfienosu dat. Mohlo by tím dojít ke zniãení dat.

Zálohujte snímky ãasto na pevn˘ disk nebo jiné médium pro trvalé ukládání dat.

Mini SD kartu pravidelnû formátujte.

Formátování mini SD karty provádûjte v zafiízení Miniket Photo. 143

Page 143
Image 143
Samsung VP - MS12(S), VP - MS11(R) manual Cleaning and Maintenance ÚdrÏbaâi‰tûní a údrÏba, After using the Miniket Photo

VP - MS12(R), VP - MS11(R), VP - MS11(S), VP - MS10(BL), VP - MS15(R) specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leading innovator in the realm of technology and appliances, showcasing a diverse array of products that cater to various consumer needs. Among its lineup, the VP series of vacuum cleaners, specifically the VP - MS12(S), VP - MS12(BL), VP - MS11(BL), VP - MS15(BL), and VP - MS10(R), stand out for their modern features and cutting-edge technologies.

Starting with the VP - MS12(S) and VP - MS12(BL), these models are designed for users who prioritize efficiency and convenience. Both models feature powerful suction capabilities, ensuring that dirt and debris are effectively removed from a variety of surfaces. Their lightweight design enhances maneuverability, allowing users to clean without feeling fatigued. The VP - MS12(S) offers a stylish silver finish, while the VP - MS12(BL) boasts a sleek black design, appealing to different aesthetic preferences.

The VP - MS11(BL) adds to the versatility of the series with its unique multi-cyclonic filtration system. This technology is designed to capture fine dust particles and allergens, making it an excellent choice for homes with allergy sufferers. The VP - MS11(BL) is equipped with a variety of attachments, including a motorized brush for carpets and a crevice tool for tight spaces, ensuring thorough cleaning across different environments.

Meanwhile, the VP - MS15(BL) elevates the user experience with its advanced smart technology features. It includes real-time monitoring that allows users to check battery status and suction power through a user-friendly display. This model also features extended battery life, making it ideal for larger spaces or longer cleaning sessions.

Lastly, the VP - MS10(R) is tailored for those seeking a compact yet powerful cleaning solution. Its robust suction power and efficient design make it perfect for quick cleanups and smaller areas. Additionally, it is engineered for quiet operation, ensuring that users can clean at any time without disturbing others.

Overall, the Samsung VP series exemplifies innovation through its blend of design, functionality, and technology. With each model catering to different cleaning needs, these vacuum cleaners are well-equipped to handle the challenges of modern household maintenance, providing consumers with tools that make cleaning more efficient and enjoyable. The combination of performance, user-friendly features, and stylish aesthetics makes the VP series a noteworthy investment for any home.