USB cable

ENGLISH Miscellaneous Information :

Dal‰í informace: Pfiipojení k

Connecting To Other Devices

jin˘m zafiízením


Connecting to a PC Using USB Cable

Connect to a PC with the provided USB cable. You can view your movies / photos on your PC.

Connecting to a PC – Playing Movie Files

1. Connect the Miniket Photo to the PC with the provided USB cable as shown in the figure.

2. Turn on your PC.

3. Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Miniket Photo.

4. Set the desired memory type on the PC. Windows XP: Dialog windows may pop

up overlapped.

Locate the <Miniket> or <Removable Storage Device> recognised by the PC and then double-click it.

Other than Windows XP: It appears to have two instances of “Removable Disk”. If it displays D and E drives as removable disks, D is the mini SD Memory Card and E is the internal memory.

5.Copy the movie file to your PC.

It is recommended to copy the movie file onto the PC and playback on the PC for better performance.

Internal Memory & mini SD: <MSAMSUNG>-<SSMOV>.

6.Double-click on the copied movie file name. It starts to play back.

Disconnecting from a PC

1.Click on the “Safely remove hardware” tray icon on the bottom right side of the desktop. Select the device and click on the “Stop” button.

2.When the message saying that it is safe to remove the hardware appears, unplug the cable from the PC.

[ Warning ]

When data communication is disrupted due to static electricity, magnetic field or other reason, restart the program or try to disconnect / connect the communication cable again.

Audio transfer is not supported, use a separate audio cable for audio transfer.

[ Notes ]

Multiple USB devices connected to a PC or using USB hubs may cause communication / installation errors with the Miniket Photo.

In Windows XP, be informed that dialog windows may pop up overlapped.

Pop up dialogs will appear differently whether the memory has files or not.

Refer to page 136 for PC recommendations on USB use. Some PCs meeting the requirements may not support proper USB operation due to various reasons. Please refer to the product documentation of the PC for further details.

Pfiipojení k PC kabelem USB

Pfiipojte zafiízení k poãítaãi dodan˘m kabelem USB. MÛÏete si prohlíÏet své filmy a fotografie na svém PC.

Pfiipojení k PC – Pfiehrávání filmov˘ch souborÛ

1. Pfiipojte Miniket Photo k PC dodan˘m kabelem USB podle obrázku.

2. Zapnûte své PC.

3. Miniket Photo zapnûte stiskem tlaãítka [POWER].

4. Nastavte poÏadovan˘ typ pamûti na poãítaãi.

Windows XP: Dialogová okna se mohou objevit pfiekrytá.

Najdûte <Miniket> nebo <Vymûnitelné ukládací zafiízení> rozpoznané va‰ím PC, a poklepejte na nûj.

U jin˘ch systémÛ neÏ Windows XP: Vypadá to, Ïe máte dva v˘skyty „Vymûnitelného disku“. Pokud se zobrazuje, Ïe jednotky D a E jsou vymûnitelné disky, D je pamûÈová karta mini SD a E je vnitfiní pamûÈ.

5.Zkopírujte filmov˘ soubor do svého PC.

Z dÛvodu vy‰‰ího v˘konu se doporuãuje zkopírovat filmov˘ soubor na PC a pfiehrávat jej na PC.

Vnitfiní pamûÈ & mini SD: <MSAMSUNG>-<SSMOV>.

6.Poklepejte na název zkopírovaného souboru. Spustí se pfiehrávání.

Odpojení od PC

1.Klepnûte na ikonu „Bezpeãnû odebrat hardware“ v pravém dolním rohu obrazovky. Zvolte zafiízení a klepnûte na tlaãítko „Zastavit“.

2.AÏ se objeví zpráva, sdûlující Ïe lze hardware bezpeãnû odebrat, vytáhnûte kabel z PC.

[ Varování ]

KdyÏ dojde k pfieru‰ení datové komunikace kvÛli statické elektfiinû, magnetickému poli nebo z jiného dÛvodu, restartujte program nebo zkuste odpojit / pfiipojit komunikaãní kabel znovu.

Audio pfienos není podporován, pro audio pfienos pouÏijte oddûlen˘ audio kabel.

[ Poznámky ]

KdyÏ je v PC pfiipojeno více zafiízení USB, nebo pouÏíváte USB hub, mohou se u zafiízení Miniket Photo objevit komunikaãní nebo instalaãní chyby.

Ve Windows XP se mohou dialogová okna zobrazovat pfiekrytá.

Pfiekryvné dialogové okno se zobrazí jinak v pfiípadû, Ïe pamûÈ obsahuje soubory, a jinak, pokud je neobsahuje.

Viz doporuãení pro pouÏívání USB na PC na stranû 136. Nûkterá PC, která

splÀují poÏadavky, nemusejí z rÛzn˘ch dÛvodÛ podporovat funkce USB


správnû. Dal‰í informace najdete v návodu k PC.


Page 139
Image 139
Samsung VP - MS11(BL), VP - MS11(R) manual Connecting To Other Devices Jin˘m zafiízením, Connecting to a PC Using USB Cable

VP - MS12(R), VP - MS11(R), VP - MS11(S), VP - MS10(BL), VP - MS15(R) specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leading innovator in the realm of technology and appliances, showcasing a diverse array of products that cater to various consumer needs. Among its lineup, the VP series of vacuum cleaners, specifically the VP - MS12(S), VP - MS12(BL), VP - MS11(BL), VP - MS15(BL), and VP - MS10(R), stand out for their modern features and cutting-edge technologies.

Starting with the VP - MS12(S) and VP - MS12(BL), these models are designed for users who prioritize efficiency and convenience. Both models feature powerful suction capabilities, ensuring that dirt and debris are effectively removed from a variety of surfaces. Their lightweight design enhances maneuverability, allowing users to clean without feeling fatigued. The VP - MS12(S) offers a stylish silver finish, while the VP - MS12(BL) boasts a sleek black design, appealing to different aesthetic preferences.

The VP - MS11(BL) adds to the versatility of the series with its unique multi-cyclonic filtration system. This technology is designed to capture fine dust particles and allergens, making it an excellent choice for homes with allergy sufferers. The VP - MS11(BL) is equipped with a variety of attachments, including a motorized brush for carpets and a crevice tool for tight spaces, ensuring thorough cleaning across different environments.

Meanwhile, the VP - MS15(BL) elevates the user experience with its advanced smart technology features. It includes real-time monitoring that allows users to check battery status and suction power through a user-friendly display. This model also features extended battery life, making it ideal for larger spaces or longer cleaning sessions.

Lastly, the VP - MS10(R) is tailored for those seeking a compact yet powerful cleaning solution. Its robust suction power and efficient design make it perfect for quick cleanups and smaller areas. Additionally, it is engineered for quiet operation, ensuring that users can clean at any time without disturbing others.

Overall, the Samsung VP series exemplifies innovation through its blend of design, functionality, and technology. With each model catering to different cleaning needs, these vacuum cleaners are well-equipped to handle the challenges of modern household maintenance, providing consumers with tools that make cleaning more efficient and enjoyable. The combination of performance, user-friendly features, and stylish aesthetics makes the VP series a noteworthy investment for any home.