Samsung VP - MS15(R) Playing Music Files, Pfiehrávání hudebních souborÛ, Jak pfiipojit sluchátka

Models: VP - MS12(R) VP - MS11(R) VP - MS11(S) VP - MS10(BL) VP - MS15(R) VP - MS15(S) VP - MS10(S) VP - MS10(R) VP - MS15(BL) VP - MS11(BL) VP - MS12(BL) VP - MS12(S)

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Music Mode (ReÏim hudba):

Music Mode : Playing Music Files

Pfiehrávání hudebních souborÛ


Playing Music Files

Pfiehrávání hudebních souborÛ

You can play back stored music files.


Turn the Mode Dial to Music mode.



Press the [POWER] button to turn on the Miniket





The last file played back is displayed.



If there is no music file stored, the message “No



Stored Music!” appears.



Select a music file to play by moving the joystick



left / right button, and then press the joystick (OK).


The selected music file is played back.



To pause playback, press the joystick (OK).



To stop playback, press and hold the joystick



(OK) for more than 3 seconds.

To search backward / forward during playback, hold down the joystick left or right for a while.

Holding the joystick left / right for more than 1 second while stopped will skip to the previous / next file rapidly.

To adjust volume, move joystick up / down. Volume indicator appears and disappears after few seconds.

MÛÏete pfiehrávat uloÏené hudební soubory.

1.Otoãte Ovladaã reÏimÛ na reÏim Music (Hudba).



Miniket Photo zapnete stiskem tlaãítka [POWER].


Zobrazí se naposled pfiehrávan˘ soubor.






KdyÏ není uloÏena Ïádná hudba, zobrazí se zpráva





„No Stored Music!“ (Îádná uloÏená hudba!).



4. Pohybem joysticku doleva nebo doprava zvolte





hudební soubor, kter˘ chcete pfiehrávat, poté




stisknûte (OK) na joysticku.





5. Pfiehraje se vybran˘ hudební soubor.


OK Play


Chcete-li pfiehrávání pozastavit, stisknûte (OK) na










Chcete-li pfiehrávání zcela zastavit, stisknûte a déle




neÏ tfii vtefiiny podrÏte (OK) na joysticku.









Bûhem pfiehrávání mÛÏete hledat vzad nebo vpfied,





kdyÏ chvíli podrÏíte joystick vlevo nebo vpravo.





PodrÏení joysticku vlevo nebo vpravo déle neÏ 1





vtefiinu pfii zastaveném pfiehrávání zpÛsobí rychl˘




pfieskok na pfiedchozí nebo následující soubor.



Hlasitost nastavíte pohybem joysticku nahoru a






OK Pause


dolÛ. Objeví se indikátor hlasitosti a po nûkolika

vtefiinách zmizí.





How to Connect Earphones

Connect your earphones as shown in the figure.

[ Notes ]

If a broken file name is displayed, try renaming it on a PC.

When the earphones or AV (Audio / Video) cable is connected to the Miniket Mhoto, the built-in speaker will turn off automatically.

Miniket Photo only supports MP3 file format.

Damaged or non-standard MP3 files may not displayed properly or failed to play back.

Playback will fail to start if the first file is damaged.

The title may not be displayed if the language is not supported or in Chinese.

MP3 files with VBR setting will appear as VBR on the LCD monitor and its play time and recording time may differ from the displayed figure.

The title may not be displayed if the language is not supported.

Jak pfiipojit sluchátka

Svá sluchátka pfiipojte dle obrázku.

[ Poznámky ]

KdyÏ se název souboru nezobrazuje správnû, zkuste jej zmûnit v PC.

KdyÏ jsou k zafiízení Miniket Photo pfiipojena sluchátka ãi audio/video kabel, vestavûn˘ reproduktor se automaticky vypne.

Miniket Photo podporuje pouze formát souborÛ MP3.

Po‰kozené nebo nestandardní soubory MP3 se nemusí zobrazit správnû nebo nemusí b˘t moÏné je pfiehrát.

Pfiehrávání selÏe, pokud bude po‰kozen první soubor.

Název se nemusí zobrazit, pokud jazyk názvu není podporován nebo jde o ãín‰tinu.

Soubory MP3 s nastavením VBR se na LCD monitoru zobrazí jako VBR a jejich skuteãná doba pfiehrávání a doba nahrávání se mÛÏe li‰it od

zobrazené hodnoty.


Název se nemusí zobrazit, kdyÏ jazyk názvu není podporován.

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Samsung VP - MS15(R), VP - MS11(R), VP - MS10(BL) Playing Music Files, Pfiehrávání hudebních souborÛ, Jak pfiipojit sluchátka

VP - MS12(R), VP - MS11(R), VP - MS11(S), VP - MS10(BL), VP - MS15(R) specifications

Samsung has established itself as a leading innovator in the realm of technology and appliances, showcasing a diverse array of products that cater to various consumer needs. Among its lineup, the VP series of vacuum cleaners, specifically the VP - MS12(S), VP - MS12(BL), VP - MS11(BL), VP - MS15(BL), and VP - MS10(R), stand out for their modern features and cutting-edge technologies.

Starting with the VP - MS12(S) and VP - MS12(BL), these models are designed for users who prioritize efficiency and convenience. Both models feature powerful suction capabilities, ensuring that dirt and debris are effectively removed from a variety of surfaces. Their lightweight design enhances maneuverability, allowing users to clean without feeling fatigued. The VP - MS12(S) offers a stylish silver finish, while the VP - MS12(BL) boasts a sleek black design, appealing to different aesthetic preferences.

The VP - MS11(BL) adds to the versatility of the series with its unique multi-cyclonic filtration system. This technology is designed to capture fine dust particles and allergens, making it an excellent choice for homes with allergy sufferers. The VP - MS11(BL) is equipped with a variety of attachments, including a motorized brush for carpets and a crevice tool for tight spaces, ensuring thorough cleaning across different environments.

Meanwhile, the VP - MS15(BL) elevates the user experience with its advanced smart technology features. It includes real-time monitoring that allows users to check battery status and suction power through a user-friendly display. This model also features extended battery life, making it ideal for larger spaces or longer cleaning sessions.

Lastly, the VP - MS10(R) is tailored for those seeking a compact yet powerful cleaning solution. Its robust suction power and efficient design make it perfect for quick cleanups and smaller areas. Additionally, it is engineered for quiet operation, ensuring that users can clean at any time without disturbing others.

Overall, the Samsung VP series exemplifies innovation through its blend of design, functionality, and technology. With each model catering to different cleaning needs, these vacuum cleaners are well-equipped to handle the challenges of modern household maintenance, providing consumers with tools that make cleaning more efficient and enjoyable. The combination of performance, user-friendly features, and stylish aesthetics makes the VP series a noteworthy investment for any home.