Chapter 5: Installation

Chapter 5: Installation

5-1 Installation of JW-20FL5/20FLT

This section describes the installation procedures for the JW-20FL5/20FLT (hereafter referred to as the module) on the JW20H/30H basic rack panel.

Turn off the power to the JW20H/30H.

Set the module No. switch on the back of the module.

(Back of the communication module)


Module No. switch

Insert the mounting rib on the module into the rib insert holes on the JW20H/30H basic rack panel and push in. Then, tighten module-mounting screws at the top of the module using a Phillips-head

(+) screwdriver.

Intermediate plate


(Installation example)

Ventilation hole

or control panel



Module mounting screw

Basic rack panel



Module insert guide



Basic rack panel






Power supply module



Module rib Phillips-head



insert hole




Module rib


This module


The module






Control module (The figure shows a JW-20FL5.)




JW-21CU/22CU, JW-31CUH1/32CUH1






-The module cannot be installed into an expansion rack panel.

-More than two communication modules can be installed on the same control module (basic rack panel for the JW20H/30H). However, be careful not to use the same module No. switch setting for any other module (including JW-20FL5/20FLT).

-Make sure to tighten the module mounting screws securely. Loose screws may cause a malfunction.
