Chapter 7: Computer Link Function

(2)FL-net protocol

The FL-net consists of the following 6 protocol layers.

Application layer










Controller interface

































Cyclic transfer

Service function




FA link protocol layer











Message transfer




























Token function




















Transport layer






























Network layer































Data link layer

























(Compatible with IEEE802.3)




Physical layer











































FA link protocol

Note: The transport layer and network layer use the UDP/IP addressing scheme. The data link layer and physical layer use the Ethernet scheme.

(3) Features of the FL-net transfer system


The FL-net data transfer system has the following features.

1It manages the transmission of data using the Master-less Token method, and prevents commu- nication conflicts.

2It is possible to specify a certain refresh cycle interval as the FL-net circulates a Token.

3 The specified Token is transmitted together with the cyclic data.

4 When starting up, the FL-net sends a token from the node with the lowest node number.

5 When a token is not received within a certain interval, the next node sends a token.

6 By using the Master-less Token method, even if some nodes are faulty the network will not stop


7 The FL-net has an information management table for items such as the operation mode (RUN/

STOP) / hardware error (ALARM), so that it can inform other nodes of the operation status.
