Thank you for purchasing the FL-net module (board) for use with the sharp programmable controller.



(Installed PC)

FL-net module









FL-net board






Please familiarize yourself with the module by reading this user's manual thoroughly.

Keep this manual handy. We are confident that this manual will be helpful whenever you face a problem.

In addition to this manual, the following manuals are available for your further study.

- JW-20FL5/20FLT








FL-net user's manual (this manual)








- JW-50FL











FL-net user's manual (this manual)











- Z-336J










FL-net user's manual (this manual)










- JW20H/30H







Control module










User's manual - hardware version






- JW50H/70H/100H








Programming manual












User's manual - hardware version






Control module






Programming manual





- J-board Z-300 series







CPU board








Z-311J/312J user's manual - hardware version






















Z-313J* user's manual - hardware version

- J-board Z-500 series












CPU board







Z-511J*User's manual - hardware version





















* Z-313J and Z-511J (CPU boards) are manufactured on request.


-Should you have any questions or inquires, please feel free to contact one of our dealers, or our service department.

-Copying this manual in part of in total is prohibited.

-The contents of this manual may be revised without notice.