Chapter 7: Computer Link Function

(4)Guarantee of simultaneity

The cyclic transfer divides data into frames, depending on the amount of data being sent.

The FL-net guarantees the simultaneity on common memory of each node using the following proce- dures.

Note: When area 2 exceeds 3084 bytes, the JW-50FL cannot guarantee the simultaneity of the data for hardware reasons.

1Data transmission timing

When a node receives a request to send data from the upper layer, it copies its own cyclic data into a buffer and sends the data, one word after another. When the amount of data being sent is more than will fit in one frame, it divides the data in the buffer into multiple frames before sending.

2Refresh timing when receiving

After a node has received all the cyclic data from some other node, it will refresh the corresponding area while synchronizing with the upper layer.

When a cyclic data is sent as multiple frames, the receiving node will refresh the area after receiving all the frames from the other node. If any of the frames is missing, it will delete all the data from that node.


Common memory





Data sending side


Group copy


Data sending buffer



Cyclic data

On network


Cyclic data




Cyclic data

Data receiving side

Data receiving buffer

Group copy






Common memory

Data receive







Guarantee of simultaneity of data
