Chapter 7: Computer Link Function

(4)FL-net's IP address scheme

Each node in the FL-net should be set independently using class C addresses. An "IP address" is an address used to identify a specific node (station) when sending data and using an Internet Protocol (IP). Therefore a unique IP address should be assigned to each node or device. The FL-net uses class C IP addresses.

The default value of an FL-net IP address is "192.168.250.***", where "***" is the node number.

FL-net IP

Network address

Host number

(node number)

















n (n: 1 to 254)












FL-net IP address













[2] The number of modules and their node numbers


Up to 254 nodes can be connected. The FL-net uses node numbers from 1 to 254.


1 Node Nos. 1 to 249: For normal equipment in the FL-net.


2 Node Nos. 250 to 254: For maintenance of the FL-net.


3 Node No. 255: Used internally by the FL-net. The user cannot assign this number. (It is used to


transfer broadcast of the global address.)


4 Node No. 0: Used internally by the FL-net. The user cannot assign this number.


Network address

Node nbr.

Node number 1 to 249:

Node number 250 to 254:

Can be used by users.

For maintenance

The number of nodes and node numbers on the FL-net.
