Chapter 13: Troubleshooting

[3] How to check an IP address using the Ping function on a personal computer

Even without specialized tools, such as the FL-net network analyzer, you can check the connections and IP addresses of FL-net equipment using an ordinary personal computer running Windows95 etc. The method for using the Ping function is described below.

Check the IP connection using the Ping function

When an IP connection is made, check the connection using the Ping command.

(1)Bring up an [MS-DOS] prompt by selecting [Start] -> [Program] on Windows95, and then select [MS-DOS prompt] to display an [MS- DOS window].


(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1996.


(2)Enter a Ping command, and execute a basic communication test between the link module and the personal computer. To send a Ping command, type Ping [IP address] or Ping [host name].

<Ex.: using an IP address> Ping

If the equipment on the FL-net is set properly, the following messages will appear.

Pinging with 32bytes of data

Reply from 192.168.250. 13:byte=32 times=2ms TTL=32 Reply from 192.168.250. 13:byte=32 times=1ms TTL=32 Reply from 192.168.250. 13:byte=32 times=1ms TTL=32


(3)If the connection is faulty (no connection), the following display (time out) will appear.

Pinging with 32bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.


