Chapter 7: Computer Link Function

(2)Participating node management table

The participating node management table contains data related to the nodes currently participating in the network.




Participating node management table





















of bytes











Node number

1 byte

1 to 254












Upper layer status

2 bytes













Area 1 of common memory: Data top

2 bytes

Word address (0 to 0x1ff)























Area 1 of common memory: Data size

2 bytes

Size (0 to 0x1ff)












Area 2 of common memory: Data top

2 bytes

Word address (0 to 0x1fff)























Area 2 of common memory: Data size

2 bytes

Size (0 to 0x1fff)












Allowable refresh cycle time

2 bytes

In units of 1 msec.












Token monitor time

1 byte

In units of 1 msec.












Minimum separation of frames

1 byte

In units of 100 µsec.











Link status

1 byte















-"0x1ff" is the hexadecimal notation for 1FF(HEX).

-For details about the participation node management table maintained by the JW-50FL, see page 10-6.

(3)Network management table

The network management table contains information common to the network.

Network management table




of bytes



Token latch node number

1 byte

Currently token staying node.




Minimum separation of frames

1 byte

In units of 100 µsec.




Allowable refresh cycle time

2 bytes

In units of 1 msec.




Measured refresh cycle time (current value)

2 bytes

In units of 1 msec.




Measured refresh cycle time (maximum value)

2 bytes

In units of 1 msec.




Measured refresh cycle time (minimum value)

2 bytes

In units of 1 msec.




- For details about the network management table maintained by the JW-50FL, see page 10-6.
