Tips for using the battery pack
To obtain more accurate remaining battery indication
Set the camcorder to recording standby mode and point towards a stationary object. Do not move the camcorder for 30 seconds or more.
•If the indication seems incorrect, recharge the battery pack fully (Full charge*). Note that if you have used the battery in a hot or cold environment for long time, or you have repeated charging many times, the battery pack may not be able to show the correct time even after being fully charged.
•After you have used the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack with an equipment not having the mark, make sure that you use up the battery pack on the equipment having the
mark and then recharge fully.
Why the remaining battery indication does not match the continuous recording time in the operating instructions
The recording time is affected by the environmental temperature and conditions. The recording time becomes very short in a cold environment. The continuous recording time in the operating instructions is measured under the condition of using a fully charged (or normal charged) battery pack in 25°C (77°F). As the environmental temperature and condition are different when you actually use the camcorder, the remaining battery time is not same as the continuous recording time in the operating instructions.
*Full charge: Charging until FULL appears in the display window.
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