Identifying the parts | Оïîçíàâàíèå ÷àñòåé |
Notes on the Remote Commander
•Keep the remote sensor away from strong light sources such as direct sunlight or illumination. Otherwise, the remote control may not be effective.
•Be sure that there is no obstacle between the remote sensor on the camcorder and the Remote Commander.
•This camcorder works in commander mode VTR 2. The commander modes (1, 2 and 3) are used to distinguish this camcorder from other Sony VCRs to avoid remote control misoperation. If you use another Sony VCR in commander mode VTR 2, we recommend you change the commander mode or cover the remote sensor of the VCR with black paper.
To prepare the Remote Commander
Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries by matching the
+and – on the batteries to the diagram inside the battery compartment.
Note on battery life
The batteries for the Remote Commander last about 6 months under normal operation. When the batteries become weak or dead, the Remote Commander does not work.
To avoid damage from possible battery leakage
Remove the batteries when you will not use the Remote Commander for a long time.
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