Maintenance information and | Иíôîðìàöèя ïî óõîäó çà |
precautions | àïïàðàòîì è ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè |
•Do not let sand get into the camcorder. When you use the camcorder on a sandy beach or in a dusty place, protect it from the sand or dust. Sand or dust may cause the unit to malfunction, and sometimes this malfunction cannot be repaired.
AC power adaptor
•Unplug the unit from the mains when not in use for a long time. To disconnect the mains lead, pull it out by the plug. Never pull the mains lead itself.
•Do not operate the unit with a damaged cord or if the unit has been dropped or damaged.
•Do not bend the mains lead forcibly, or put a heavy object on it. This will damage the cord and may cause a fire or electrical shock.
•Be sure that nothing metallic comes into contact with the metal parts of the connecting plate. If this happens, a short may occur and the unit may be damaged.
•Always keep the metal contacts clean. •Do not disassemble the unit.
•Do not apply mechanical shock or drop the unit.
•While the unit is in use, particularly during charging, keep it away from AM receivers and video equipment because it will disturb AM reception and video operation.
•The unit becomes warm while in use. This is normal.
•Do not place the unit in locations that are:
-Extremely hot or cold
-Dusty or dirty
-Very humid
•Нå ïîçâîëяéòå ïåñêó ïîïàñòü â âèäåîêàìåðó. Кîãäà Вû èñïîëüçóåòå âèäåîêàìåðó íà ïåñ÷àíîì ïëяæå èëè â ïûëüíîì ìåñòå, ïðåäîõðàíяéòå åå îò ïåñêà è ïûëè. Пåñîê è ïûëü ìîãóò âûçâàòü íåèñïðàâíîñòü àïïàðàòà, è èíîãäà òàêàя íåèñïðàâíîñòü ìîæåò íå ïîäëåæàòü ðåìîíòó.
Сåòåâîé àäàïòåð ïåðåì. òîêà
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•Вñåãäà ïîääåðæèâàéòå ìåòàëëè÷åñêèå êîíòàêòû â ÷èñòîòå.
•Нå ðàçáèðàéòå àïïàðàò.
•Нå ïîäâåðãàéòå àïïàðàò ìåõàíè÷åñêèì óäàðàì è íå ðîíяéòå åãî.
•Кîãäà àïïàðàò èñïîëüçóåòñя, îñîáåííî âî âðåìя çàðяäêè, äåðæèòå åãî ïîäàëüøå îò ðàäèîïðèåìíèêîâ АМ è âèäåîàïïàðàòóðû, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí áóäåò íàðóøàòü ïðèåì АМ è ðàáîòó âèäåîàïïàðàòóðû.
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•Нå ðàçìåùàéòå àïïàðàò â ìåñòàõ, êîòîðûå:
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–Пûëüíûå èëè ãðяçíûå
–О÷åíü âëàæíûå
–Пîäâåðæåíû âèáðàöèè
Additional information / Дîïîëíèòåëüíàя èíôîðìàöèя