Tips for using the battery pack
Notes on the “InfoLITHIUM”
battery pack
What is “InfoLITHIUM”
The “InfoLITHIUM” is a lithium ion battery pack which can exchange data with compatible video equipment about its battery consumption.
When you use this battery pack with video
equipment having the mark, the video equipment will indicate the remaining battery time in minutes*. However, if you use it with video equipment not having this mark, the remaining battery capacity will not be indicated in minutes.
“InfoLITHIUM“ is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
*The indication may not be accurate depending on the condition and environment which the equipment is used under.
How the battery consumption is displayed
The power consumption of the camcorder changes depending on its use, such as how the autofocusing is working.
While checking the condition of the camcorder, the “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack measures the battery consumption and calculates the remaining battery power. If the condition changed drastically, the remaining battery indication may suddenly decrease or increase by more than 2 minutes.
Even if 5 to 10 minutes is indicated as the battery remaining time in the viewfinder, the i indicator may also flash under some condition.
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áëîêó “InfoLITHIUM”
Чòî òàêîå “InfoLITHIUM”
“InfoLITHIUM” яâëяåòñя
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Additional information / Дîïîëíèòåëüíàя èíôîðìàöèя