High-Speed and Low-Speed Search
—Quickly and Accurately
Determining Editing Points
Use the search function to easily locate the desired scene and to quickly and accurately determine edit points.
Searching with the NEXT and PREV buttons
The PREV and NEXT buttons can be used alone to jump to the start and end points of clips (see page 46).
To cue up a cue point
Press the PREV/NEXT button with the J (CUE) button held down.
For more information on this operation, see “Cueing Up a Desired Cue Point” on page 46
To search while viewing the video at fast speed (PLAY + PREV/NEXT)
To search in the reverse direction, press the PREV button with the PLAY button held down. (The both buttons light.) To search in the forward direction, press the NEXT button with the PLAY button held down. (The both buttons light.)
Searching with the search dial
You can use the search dial of this unit to perform the following kinds of search playback.
Shuttle: Press the SEARCH button or search dial to select shuttle mode (the SHUTTLE indicator lights). Playback is carried out at a speed determined by the rotation angle of the search dial.
The maximum shuttle playback speed can be changed with the MAX SRCH SPEED menu item (see page 65).
Jog: Press the SEARCH button or search dial to select jog mode (the JOG indicator lights). Playback is carried out at a speed determined by the rotation speed of the search dial. The playback speed range is (1 times normal speed.
Variable: Press the VAR button, lighting it (the SHUTTLE indicator also lights). You can control fine- grained (in 61 steps) playback over the range (2 times normal speed).
Playback using the tape speed override (TSO) function
You can use the tape speed override function to adjust the playback speed temporarily. This function is convenient for playback phase synchronization with another VCR playing back the same program.
Display section
1(A),1(B),2 1(B) 1(A)
1 (A)Hold down the PLAY button, and turn the search dial in the desired direction to adjust the playback speed.
The range of speed adjustment is ±15% in steps of 1%.
(B)Hold down the PLAY button, and press the J (CUE) or j buttons to adjust the playback speed. The playback speed can be adjusted to ±8% only.
2 When the adjustment is completed, release the PLAY button.
The playback speed returns to normal speed.
Search operations via external equipment
You can control the unit in the following operation modes from an editing control unit connected to the REMOTE IN
(R)connector on the rear panel, the supplied remote control unit connected to the CONTROL connector, or
control equipment connected to theS400(i.LINK) connector.
To search while playing at fast speeds
Shuttle: Use this mode to view color video playback at speeds ranging from 0 to 60 times normal speed in both directions.
Jog: Use this mode for
Variable: Use this mode to monitor
audio signals at speeds ranging from 0 to 2 times normal speed in both directions.
Still: Use this mode to view a still picture of any field.
Jog audio: Use this mode to monitor the audio at speeds ranging from 0 to 1 times normal speed in both directions.
Playback 43