Make sure that the DIP switches are set for the correct printer emulation, and that you have selected the appropriate character set using the DIP switches.
If you are in doubt about the configuration of your application software, seek expert advice. Your software supplier will probably be your most qualified reference.
Font: ((F))O Tms Romn
((F))L Helvet
Size: ((s))0 Standard size
((s))1 Double width
((s))2 Double height
((s))3 Double width and height
If you want to print a title in
File as seen on computer screen:
( (F) )L ( (S) )3
Printer commands ( (F) )0 ( (S) )0
Printer commands ( ( S ) ) 2can be ( ( S ) ) Oembedded
( ( S ) ) Ianywhere ( ( S ) ) Oln a document.
i n t e r
Printer commands Can beembedded
When you use these commands there are several points to note:
●A line consisting of commands alone prints as a blank line.
●The software will not know that these are commands, so you cannot trust your software to give you the correct line width. The printed line maybe considerably shorter than the line on the screen; the extra space being the space that was occupied by the commands.
One way to handle the last problem is to prepare your document without the commands, then insert them as a final step, with the margins released. The find, replace, and copy functions of