Identity and Directory Structure Design
To use URLScraperProvider as a file scraper provider, specify the URL as follows:
String name="url" value="file://path/filename"
This is the best performing provider, in terms of how fast it retrieves content. On the first fetch of content, performance for this provider is usually in the low teen milliseconds. On subsequent requests, using a
•JSPProvider. Uses JavaServer Pages™ (JSP) technology. JSPProvider obtains content from one or more JSP files. A JSP file can be a static document (HTML only) or a standard JSP file with HTML and Java programming language. A JSP file can include other JSP files. However, only the topmost JSP file can be configured through the display profile. The topmost JSP files are defined through the contentPage, editPage, and processPage properties.
•LoginProvider. Provides access to the Access Manager authentication service through a Portal Desktop channel. This provider enables anonymous Portal Desktop login so that a user can log in directly from the Portal Desktop.
•XMLProvider. Transforms an XML document into HTML using an XSLT (XML Style Sheet Language) file. You must create the appropriate XSLT file to match the XML document type. XMLProvider is an extension of URLScraperProvider. This provider uses the JAXP 1.2 JAR files provided by Web Server.
•Database provider. This type of provider utilizes a