Portal Design Task List
Table E-7 Architecture Questions (Continued)
9.What is the size of the target user community?
10.How many concurrent users?
11.What is the range of portal usage?
12.What is the geographical distribution of your user base?
13.Do you currently have or have a future need for
14.Would your customer base require internationalization of content and services?
15.What server platform technologies do you use?
16.What development environments, tools do you use?
17.What development methodologies do you employ?
Portal Design Task List
Though these tasks will vary depending on your organization and the scale of each deployment, the worksheet represents the most common phases and tasks encountered.
This table consists of two columns. The first column presents the major tasks. The second column presents the subtasks for each major task.
Table | Design Task List (1 of 7) |
Major Phases and Tasks | Subtasks | |
| |
1. Project Start and Coordination |
| |
Project Planning | • Perform general project management | |
Appendix E Portal Deployment Worksheets 171