How This Book Is Organized
Appendix C, “Portal Server and Application Servers” on page 153
Appendix D, “Troubleshooting Your Portal Deployment” on page 159
Appendix E, “Portal Deployment Worksheets” on page 167
Appendix F, “Portal Server on the Linux Platform” on page 179
This appendix describes the support for application servers.
This appendix describes how to troubleshoot the Portal Server software and the Portal Server Secure Remote Access (SRA) product.
This appendix provides various worksheets to help in the deployment process.
This appendix contains notes on running Portal Server on a Linux platform.
Conventions Used in This Book
The tables in this section describe the conventions used in this book.
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic conventions used in this book
Table 1 Typographical Conventions.
Typeface | Meaning | Examples |
AaBbCc123 | API and language elements, HTML |
(Monospace) | tags, web site URLs, command |
| names, file names, directory path |
| names, onscreen computer output, |
| sample code. |
AaBbCc123 | What you type, when contrasted |
(Monospace | with onscreen computer output. |
bold) |
Edit your.login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
%You have mail.
Preface 15