Portal Sizing
After you have an estimate of your sizing, consider:
•LDAP Transaction Numbers
•Application Server Requirements
LDAP Transaction Numbers
Use the following LDAP transaction numbers for an
•Access to authless anonymous portal - 0 ops
•Login by using the Login channel - 2 BINDS, 2 SRCH
•Removing a channel from the Portal Desktop - 8 SRCH, 2 MOD
•Reloading the Portal Desktop - 0 ops
Application Server Requirements
One of the primary uses of Portal Server installed on an application server is to integrate portal providers with Enterprise JavaBeans™ architecture and other J2EE™ technology stack constructs, such as JDBC and JCA, running on the application server. These other applications and modules can consume resources and affect your portal sizing.
Validate Baseline Sizing Figures
Now that you have an estimate of the number of CPUs for your portal deployment, use a trial deployment to measure the performance of the portal. Use load balancing and stress tests to determine:
•Throughput, the amount of data processed in a specified amount of time
•Latency, the period of time that one component is waiting for another component
•Maximum number of concurrent sessions
Portal samples are provided with the Portal Server. You can use them, with channels similar to the ones you will use, to create a load on the system. The samples are located on the Portal Desktop.