SRA Sizing
Advanced Gateway Settings
Use the settings in this section to obtain more accurate results when estimating the number of Gateway instances for your deployment. These advanced Gateway settings are used as input to the automated sizing tool.
These are the advanced Gateway settings:
•Page Configuration
•Secure Portal Pilot Measured Numbers
NOTE After your technical representative has given you a figure for your estimated number of CPUs, consider how these related performance factors affect this figure.
Page Configuration
If you are using an authenticated portal, you must specify both Login Type and Desktop Type in the page configuration section of the automated sizing tool
•Login Type. Describes the type of portal page (content configuration and delivery method) that end users initially see after submitting user name and password. This process s typically taxing on the system because the process involves checking credentials, initializing the session, and delivering initial content.
The Measured CPU Performance characteristic associated with the Login Type is the Initial Desktop Display variable.
•Desktop Type. Describes the type of portal pages (content configuration and delivery method) that end users see after the initial portal page. These pages are displayed with each subsequent interaction with the portal, or on Desktop refresh. Because the session has already been established and cached content can be exploited, less system resources are typically required and the pages are delivered more rapidly.
The Measured CPU Performance characteristic associated with the Desktop Type is the Desktop Reload variable.
For both Login Type and Desktop Type, select the appropriate content configuration:
Chapter 4