COM Microsoft Component Object Model, a programming infrastructure for modular software. COM allows applications to provide application programming inter- faces which can be accessed from various other programming languages and applications. VirtualBox makes use of COM both internally and externally to provide a comprehensive API to 3rd party developers.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This allows a networking device in a network to acquire its IP address (and other networking details) automatically, in order to avoid having to configure all devices in a network with fixed IP ad- dresses. VirtualBox has a
DKMS Dynamic Kernel Module Support. A framework that simplifies installing and updating external kernel modules on Linux machines; see chapter 2.3.2, The VirtualBox kernel module, page 34.
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface, a firmware built into computers which is designed to replace the aging BIOS. Originally designed by Intel, most modern operating systems can now boot on computers which have EFI instead of a BIOS built into them; see chapter 3.12, Alternative firmware (EFI), page 58.
EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface, the interface that implements the USB 2.0 standard.
GUI Graphical User Interface. Commonly used as an antonym to a “command line interface”, in the context of VirtualBox, we sometimes refer to the main graphical VirtualBox program as the “GUI”, to differentiate it from the VBoxManage interface.