Troubleshooting (2)

There is noise.

eIf other applications are run while a music file is being played back, the sound could break up and noise might be heard. Avoid running other applications during playback.

eIf you connect this unit with the computer via a USB hub, noise might occur. If this happens, connect this unit directly to the computer.

Audio files cannot be played back.

eConnect the computer with this unit and switch to “USB Audio In” before starting the music playback software and music file playback.

If you connect this unit and the computer, or switch the input to “USB Audio In” after launching the music playback software, the audio data might not play back properly.

NetworkCannot connect to the Internet.

eCheck if your computer can connect to the Internet using the same network.

eEnter a correct pass key to the network.

eCheck the settings of your network’s firewall. The unit needs access to the following UDP and TCP ports as a minimum: 80, 554, 1755, 5000 and 7070.

Cannot listen to a station/podcast.

eThe broadcaster has a temporary problem with Internet connection.

eCheck if your Internet connection is not temporarily disconnected or disturbed.

Cannot find a station/Podcast in the station list.

eAdd the station/podcast to your own station list by accessing the internet radio portal (page 41).

eThe station/podcast may not be broadcast at the moment.

eThe link of the station/podcast may be out of date.

eThe broadcast station or podcast might no longer be available.


eIf the Internet connection speed is too slow, searching might take time.


Will not play.

eCheck if you selected the unit as the device for Airplay.

eCheck the connection with the access point (page 37).

Media player

Will not play.

eCheck if you selected the unit as the device for Music Streaming.

Cannot connect to the LAN.

eCheck the settings of your network’s firewall. The unit needs access to the following UDP and TCP ports at least: 80, 554, 1755, 5000 and 7070.

eCheck if your computer can connect to the Internet using the same network.

eEnter a correct password to the network.

eCheck if the computer is not shut down or in the sleep mode. Set up the computer not to shut down or enter sleep mode automatically.

eThere may be a problem with the network authentication. Press the SOURCE button or NET button to select “Media Player” again.

Cannot find a track. (Shared Media)

eAdd the track to the media library of Windows Media Player.

eSelect “NP-H750“ from the list (Windows 7) or select “Allow” for “NP-H750” (Windows Vista).

eCheck the file format (page 8).

eIf you have antivirus security software enabled on your computer, the unit may fail to connect.