| 1 SpeedTouch™570 Installation |
1.3 | Wireless Connectivity |
Introduction |
The SpeedTouch™570 features a Wireless LAN Access Point which behaves as a hub | |
| and allows wireless connectivity between several devices and the local (W)LAN and - |
| via the SpeedTouch™570 DSL router - to the public network, e.g. the Internet. |
| WLAN technology enables these devices to communicate with each other in a locally |
| mobile fashion, without the need for a wired environment. |
Wireless basics |
The WLAN's 'radio' link is a shared medium. As no physical connection exists between | |
| the SpeedTouch™570 and wireless clients, a name must be given to allow unique identi- |
| fication of your WLAN radio link. This is done by the Service Set ID (SSID). Wireless |
| clients must be part of this SSID environment in order to be able to communicate with |
| other clients on the (W)LAN - including the SpeedTouch™570 . |
| The IEEE802.11b standard for WLANs allows several WLAN networks using different |
| radio channels to be |
| ated to a slightly different frequency in the allowed range. The SpeedTouch™570 |
| supports operation on all allowed channels and is able to select the best radio channel |
| at each |
Wireless security |
Since the SpeedTouch™570 (W)LAN environment is a radio environment, precautions | |
| must be taken to ensure that your wireless network is safe from malicious intruders. In |
| addition to providing the possibility of giving a personalized SSID name to the wireless |
| network, the SpeedTouch™570 features a physical registration mechanism, an Access |
| Control List (ACL) and enhanced Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 64- or |
| encryption to secure your network and to control wireless client access. |
Wireless client |
Only WLAN client adapters compliant to IEEE802.11b DSSS, will be able to communi- | |
requirements | cate with the SpeedTouch™570 , and with the other members of the SpeedTouch™570 |
| (W)LAN environment. |
| It is advisable that the WLAN client adapter is Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance |
| (WECA) |
| To use SpeedTouch™570 's encryption security features, the WLAN client adapters |
| should at least support |
| (*) |
Recommended | Only WLAN client adapters compliant to IEEE802.11b DSSS, will be able to communi- |
Wireless client | cate with the SpeedTouch™570, hence with other members of the SpeedTouch™570 |
adapters | Wireless LAN environment. |
| It is advisable that the WLAN client adapter is Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alli- |
| ance (WECA) |
3EC 17766 BAAA TCZZA Ed. 01 | 13 |