Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-31
*OPCThis command generates the operation complete message by setting bit 0 in the
Standard Event Status Register (SESR) when all pending commands that generate
an OPC message are complete.
The query command places the ASCII character “1” into the output queue when all
such OPC commands are complete.
Group Synchronization
Syntax *OPC
Arguments None
Returns <execution complete>::=1
where “1” indicates that all pending operations are complete.
Examples *OPC?
might return 1 to indicate that all pending OPC operations are finished.
*OPT?This query-only command returns a list of the options installed in your arbi-
trary/function generator.
Group System
Syntax *OPT?
Arguments None
Returns <OPT>[,<OPT>[,<OPT>[,<OPT>]]]
Examples *OPT?
might return 0, which indicates no option is installed in the instrument.