Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-19
This command sets or queries the contrast of the LCD display.
Group Display
Syntax DISPlay:CONTrast {<contrast>|MINimum|MAXimum}
DISPlay:CONTrast? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Arguments <contrast>::=<NR2>
<NR2> is a range of display contrast from 0 through 1. The larger the value, the
greater the screen contrast.
MINimum sets the display to the 0 contrast level.
MAXimum sets the display to the largest contrast level.
Returns <NR2>
Examples DISPlay:CONTrast MAXimum
sets the display contrast to the largest contrast level.
This command sets or queries the screen saver setting of the LCD display. When
enabled, the screen saver function automatically starts if no operations are applied
to the instrument front panel for five minutes.
Group Display
Syntax DISPlay:SAVer[:STATe] {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Arguments ON or <NR1>0 enables the screen saver function.
OFF or <NR1>=0 disables the screen saver function.
Returns <NR1>
Examples DISPlay:SAVer:STATe OFF
disables the screen saver function.