Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-95
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?This query-only command returns the contents of the Error/Event queue.
Group System
Syntax SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]?
Arguments None
Returns <Error/event number>::=<NR1>
<Error/event description>::=<string>
Examples SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT?
might return the following response:
–410,”Query INTERRUPTED”
If the instrument detects an error or an event occurs, the event number and event
message will be returned.
SYSTem:KCLick[:STATe]This command enables or disables the click sound when you push the front panel
buttons or turn the general purpose knob. The query command returns “0” (OFF)
or “1” (ON).
Group System
Syntax SYSTem:KCLick[:STATe] {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Arguments ON or <NR1>≠0 enables click sound.
OFF or <NR1>=0 disables click sound.
Returns <NR1>
Examples SYSTem:KCLick:STATe ON
enables the click sound.