Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-57
[SOURce[1|2]]:FSKey:SOURceThis command sets or queries the source of modulation signal of FSK modulation
for the specified channel.
Group Source
Syntax [SOURce[1|2]]:FSKey:SOURce [INTernal|EXTernal]
Arguments INTernal means that the carrier waveform is modulated with an internal source.
EXTernal means that the carrier waveform is modulated with an external source.
Returns INT|EXT
Examples SOURce1:FSKey:SOURce INTernal
sets the CH 1 source of modulating signal to internal.
[SOURce[1|2]]:FSKey:STATeThis command enables or disables FSK modulation. The query command returns
the state of FSK modulation.You can select a sine, square, ramp, or arbitrary wave-
form for the carrier waveform.
Group Source
Syntax [SOURce[1|2]]:FSKey:STATe {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Arguments ON or <NR1>≠0 enables FSK modulation.
OFF or <NR1>=0 disables FSK modulation.
Returns <NR1>
Examples SOURce1:FSKey:STATe ON
enables the CH 1 FSK modulation.