Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-45
This command sets or queries whether to add the internal noise or an external
signal to an output signal for the specified channel.
When you specify the internal noise, you can set or query the noise level by
SOURce<3|4>:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] command.
To disable the internal noise add or the external signal add function, specify “”.
You can add an external signal to the CH1 output signal of the AFG3100 and
AFG3200 series arbitrary/function generators.
Both the internal noise and an external signal can be added simultaneously to the
arbitrary/function generator.
Group Source
Related Commands SOURce<3|4>:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
Syntax [SOURce[1|2]]:COMBine:FEED [NOISe|EXTernal|BOTH|“”]
Arguments NOISe indicates that the internal noise is added to the output signal.
EXTernal indicates that an external signal is added to the CH 1 output signal of the
AFG3100 or AFG3200 series arbitrary/function generators.
BOTH indicates that the internal noise and an external signal are added to the CH1
output signal of the AFG3100 or AFG3200 series arbitrary/function generators.
“” disables the internal noise add and external signal add function.
Returns NOIS|EXT”|“BOTH|“”
Examples SOURce1:COMBine:FEED EXTernal
adds an external signal to the CH 1 output signal.