Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-61
[SOURce[1|2]]:PHASe:INITiate (No Query Form)This command synchronizes the phase of CH 1 and CH 2 output waveforms. The
arbitrary/function generator performs the same operation if you specify either
SOURce1 or SOURce2.
If your arbitrary/function generator is single-channel model, this command is not
Group Source
Syntax [SOURce[1|2]]:PHASe:INITiate
Arguments None
Examples SOURce1:PHASe:INITiate
synchronizes the phase of CH 1 and CH 2 output signals.
[SOURce[1|2]]:PM[:DEViation]This command sets or queries the peak frequency deviation of PM modulation for
the specified channel.
Group Source
Syntax [SOURce[1|2]]:PM:DEViation {<deviation>|MINimum|MAXimum}
[SOURce[1|2]]:PM:DEViation? {MINimum|MAXimum}
Arguments <deviation>::=<NR3>[<units>]
<NR3> is the phase deviation.
<units>::=[RAD | DEG]
If <units> are omitted, RAD is specified automatically. The setting ranges are:
RAD –1 PI to +1 PI, relative to phase value
DEG –180 to +180, in 1 degree steps, relative to phase value
Returns <deviation>
Examples SOURce1:PM:DEViation MAXimum
sets the maximum value for the CH 1 phase deviation.