Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-101
TRACe |DATA[:DATA]:VAL ueThis command sets or queries the data value at the specified point in the edit
Group Trace
Syntax TRACe|DATA[:DATA]:VALue EMEMory,<point>,<data>
TRACe|DATA[:DATA]:VALue? EMEMory,<points>
Arguments <point>::=<NR1>
where <NR1> is the specified point number in the edit memory.
where <NR1> is the data value for the specified point number.
Returns <NR1>
Examples DATA:DATA:VALue EMEMory,500,2047
sets the data value to 2047 for the point number 500 in the edit memory.
might return “2047”
This example indicates that the data value of point number 500 is set to 2047.