Syntax and Commands
3-104 AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual
This command sets or queries the number of data points for the waveform created
in the edit memory.
Group Trace
Syntax TRACe|DATA:POINts EMEMory[,<points>|MINimum|MAXimum]
Arguments <points>::=<NR1>
where <NR1> sets the number of points for the waveform created in the edit
memory that ranges from 2 to 65536 for the AFG3021 and AFG3022, and 2 to
131072 for the AFG3101, AFG3102, AFG3251, and AFG3252.
Returns <NR1>
Examples DATA:POINts EMEMory, 500
sets the waveform data points to 500 in the edit memory.
*TRG (No Query Form)
This command generates a trigger event.
Group Trigger
Related Commands TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate]
Syntax *TRG
Arguments None
Examples *TRG
generates a trigger event.