Acquiring Waveforms

CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual 3-35

Overview Control elements and resourcesTo acquire in FrameScan mode (cont.)
Set a display
12. If you want to display the frame-scanned acquisition as
an eye diagram, set one of the following display modes:
HSelect Infinite Persistence or Variable Persis-
tence in the Display Setup dialog box (from the
application menu bar, select Setup, and then
select Display).
HRight click the waveform icon (left side of the
screen in the waveform bar) of the waveform being
scanned and select Color Grade in the menu.
For more
13. For more help on FrameScan acquisitions, click the
Help button in the Setup dialog box to access
contextual help on screen.
See page 3--167 to learn about using online help.
End of Procedure