CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual Index- 7
To gated trigger, 3--50
To Localize a Measurement, 3--83
To Mask Test a Waveform, 3--145
To Perform Dark-Level and User Wavelength Gain
Compensations, 3--98
To Recall Your Setup, 3--118
To Recall Your Waveform, 3--124
To Reset the Instrument, 3--13
To Save Your Setup, 3--115
To Save Your Waveform, 3--121
To Set Acquisition Modes, 3--24
To Set Display Styles, 3--68
To Set the Cursor Sources, 3--90
To set up a waveform database, 3--162
To Acquire in FrameScan mode, 3--33
To Catch a Bit Error, 3--36
To Set Up the Signal Input, 3--8
To Start & Stop Acquisition, 3--26
To Take a Histogram, 3--156
To Take Automatic Measurements, 3--80, 3--89
To trigger, 3--48
To Use an Exported Waveform, 3--129
To Use Math Waveforms, 3--109
To use online help, 3--168
Procedures, in the online help, 3--172
accessories list, 1--41
description, 1--1
functional model, 2--4
installation, 1--9
options list, 1--41
software, 1--3
Product support, contact information, xiii
Programmer guide, 2--2
Propagation delay, deskew, 3--96
Pulse automatic measurements, Area-related, B--14
Pulse measurements-amplitude, B--2
Pulse measurements-area, B--14
Pulse measurements-timing, B--8
QAPlus/Win application, 1--38
Quantizing, Glossary--8
Range, vertical input, 3--14
Readout display, 2--7
Readouts, 2--7
Readouts bar, 2--7
Real time sampling, Glossary--8
Recalling a setup, 3--113
Recalling a waveform, 3--120
acquisition, shared by all channels, 3--20
length, defined, 3--28
Record length, Glossary--8
Reference levels, methods for setting, 3--79
Reference memory, Glossary--8
Reference waveforms, Glossary--8
how to clear, 3--127
Related Manuals, xii
Release notes, software, 1--16
Remote communication, 3--139
How to execute, 3--13
of instrument, 3--13
Return to Zero, Definition, Glossary--8
Return-to-Zero (RZ) automatic measurements, B--36
Amplitude-related, B--15
Area-related, B--36
Timing-related, B--29
RZ measurements-amplitude, B--15
RZ measurements-area, B--36
RZ measurements-timing, B--29
Sample acquisition mode, Glossary--8
Sample interval, Glossary--8
defined, 3--28
Sampling, Glossary--8
modes, 3--28–3--30
process, defined, 3--27–3--29
process, illustrated, 3--28–3--29
sequential equivalent-time, Glossary--9
Sampling modules
caution-avoid damage, 3--6
installation, 1--10
installation compartments, 1--11
external attenuators with, 3--6
preventing overvoltage, 3--6
keys to using, 3--5
selection, 3--5
signal connection, 3--5
specifications, where to find, A--1
static concerns, 1--10
supported, 1--4
Save and recall of setups
adding a comment, 3--117
usage limitations, 3--114