Creating Math Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual 3- 105
<Term> := <Waveform> | ( <Expression> )
<Scalar> := <Integer> | <Float> | <Meas-Result>
<Waveform> := <ChannelWaveform> | <ReferenceWaveform>
<ChannelWaveform> := C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8
<ReferenceWaveform> := R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8
<UnaryOperator> := Integrate | Differentiate | Average | Max | Min
| Filter | Vmag | Exp | log | ln | sqrt
<BinaryOperator> := + | -- | / | *
<Meas--Result> := meas1 | meas2 | meas3 | meas4 | meas5 | meas6 | meas7 | meas8
Use the procedure that follows when defining a math waveform. Remember, you
should first ensure that the sources you use exist. Channel sources will be
acquired when used in a math expression, reference waveform sources should
contain saved waveforms, and so on. These sources do not have to be displayed
to be used.
Overview To define a math waveform Related control elements & resources
Prerequisites 1. All channel and reference waveforms and automatic
measurement scalars that you will use in your math
waveform must be available (channels and references
contain data, measurement scalars are defined, and so
Note. If you use a channel that is not acquiring,
including it in a math waveform that you turn on will
implicitly cause it to be acquired.
See sampling-module user manuals for sampling
module installation. See page 3--24 for acquisition
setup and page 3--48 for trigger setup in this
the Math
dialog box
2. Press the Vertical MATH button twice if it is unlit, once if
lighted, to display the Define Math dialog box.