
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual 3-49

Overview Control elements and resourcesTo trigger (cont.)
6. When the instrument is triggered, the word Triggered is
displayed in the toolbar on screen. You can use also the
trigger lights to verify triggering status as follows:
HREADY lights when the instrument acquisition
system is running but the trigger system is not
receiving valid trigger events. This includes when
auto triggering in absence of a trigger.
HTRIG’D lights when the instrument acquisition
system is running and the trigger system is
HREADY and TRIG’D are always off if acquisition is
Other trigger
7. If you need to change the trigger mode or other settings,
push the Trigger MENU button to display the Trig Setup
dialog box. From there, you can:
HSwitch between Auto and Normal trigger modes
HIf you have trouble triggering, you can adjust
holdoff, which may help. For assistance with this
HYou may on occasion want to turn off metastable
rejection; again, see step 8 for more information.
Trigger Menu button
For more
8. Press the Help buttonintheTrigSetupdialogboxto
access the online assistance specific to triggering
commands. You can also read about key trigger
features in Keys to Using on page 3--40. See page 3--167 for information on online help.
End of Procedure