Acquiring Waveforms
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual 3-9
Overview Related control elements and resourcesTo set the signal input (cont.)
Select the input
signal channel
3. Push the channel button (turns amber) to assign
the waveform buttons, 1-- 8, to operate on
channel waveforms. Push a waveform button to
select the signal channel (it displays).
A waveform button lights when its channel is on:
HWhen on but not selected, its button is lighted
HWhen on and selected, its button is lighted
Hint. To select one of the channels already
displayed, you can use a mouse and click its trace
or its reference indicator to select it.
Set the vertical
4. Use the Vertical Offset knob to adjust the selected
waveform on screen. Use the Vertical Scale and
Position knobs to adjust the display.
Positioned vertically Scaled vertically
Offset vertically