Using Masks, Histograms, and Waveform Databases

3- 146 CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual

Overview Related control elements & resourcesTo mask test a waveform (cont.)
Select the mask
source and turn on
a mask
3. Select the waveform to be mask tested from the drop-down
list under Source.
4. Use the Comm Standard drop-down list to select a
standard or user-defined mask. See Table 3--9 on
page 3--142 for a list of available standard masks.
Selecting a communication standard or user-defined
mask automatically:
Hdisplays the mask on screen, and autosets for the
mask, if Automatic is checked in the dialog box.
Hautomatically enables mask testing; uncheck
Enable Mask Counts if you want to turn off mask
Hdisplays mask count statistics in the mask readout
right of the display. A mask does not have to be
displayed to have mask counting enabled.
5. Check Use Wfm Database to use a waveform database as
the waveform source.
The Clear Data button resets all mask counts. In
addition, if the source for mask testing is a waveform
database, clicking this button clears the waveform
Tip. Selecting a source that is currently displayed as a
waveform database automatically enables mask testing
on the database. To mask test the waveform instead of
its database, uncheck the Use Wfm Database box.
Adjust the mask 6. You can use the color pulldown list to change the color
of the selected masks on screen.
7. You can add or subtract from the masks on screen.
Check On to turn on mask margins. Adjust the Margin
percentage box control to increase (positive %s) or
decrease the masks on screen.