TMS320C55x Rules and Guidelines
If the algorithm does not use
Example 2:
Data section names that are accessed by the
This way, the client will know which of the memory blocks and
5.5.5 Register Conventions
This section describes the rules and guidelines that apply to the use of the TMS320C55x
The table below describes all of the registers that may be accessed by an algorithm. Please refer to TMS320C55x Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User's Guide (SPRU281), Runtime Environment chapter, for more details about the runtime conventions followed by the compiler.
| Register | Use | Type |
| (X)AR0, (X)AR1, (X)AR2, (X)AR3, (X)AR4 | Function arguments: data pointers (16- or | Scratch (local) |
| data values |
| (X)AR5, (X)AR6, (X)AR7 | C compiler register variables | Preserve (local) |
| AC0, AC1, AC2, AC3 | Scratch (local) | |
| T0, T1 | Function arguments: | Scratch (local) |
| T2, T3 | C compiler expression registers | Preserve (local) |
| SSP | System Stack Pointer | Preserve (local) |
| SP | Stack Pointer | Preserve (local) |
| ST0, ST1, ST2, ST3 | Status registers | Preserve (local) |
| IFR0, IMR0, IFR1, IMR1 | Interrupt flag and mask register | |
| TRN0, TRN1 | Transition registers | Scratch (local) |
| BK03, BK47, BKC | Circular Buffer Offset registers | Scratch (local) |
| BRC0, BRC1 | Block Repeat Counter registers | Scratch (local) |
| RSA0, REA0, RSA1, REA1 | Block repeat start and end address registers | Scratch (local) |
| CDP | Coefficient Data Pointer | Scratch (local) |
| XDP | Extended Data page pointer | Scratch (local) |
| DP | Memory data page start address | Scratch (local) |
| PDP | Peripheral Data page start address | Scratch (local) |
| BOF01, BOF23, BOF45, BOF67, BOFC | Circular buffer offset registers | Scratch (local) |
| BIOS | Data page pointer storage | |
| BRS0, BRS1 | Block repeat save registers | Scratch (local) |
| CSR | Computed Single Repeat | Scratch (local) |
| RPTC | Repeat Single Counter | Scratch (local) |
| XSP | Extended data Stack pointer | Preserve (local) |
| XCDP | Extended coeff page pointer | Scratch (local) |
| IVPD | Interrupt vector pointer DSP | |
| IVPH | Interrupt vector pointer host | |
54 | SPRU352G | ||
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