Department Counter

This menu allows you to display and confirm the following counters for each department:

The department counter is available only when this equipment has been managed using the department code. P.229 “Enabling department codes”

yPrint counter for department code

This feature allows you to display the number of the print counter for each department code. The print counter contains the following counters:

-Copy counter — Indicates the number of sheets that have been printed by copy operations.

-Fax counter — Indicates the number of sheets that have been printed by polling operations.

-Printer counter — Indicates the number of sheets that have been printed by print operations and e-mail receptions (Internet Fax receptions).

-List counter — Indicates the number of sheets that have been printed by system page print operations.

yScan counter for department code

This feature allows you to display the number of the scan counter for each department code. The scan counter contains the following counters:

-Copy counter — Indicates the number of originals that have been scanned by copy operations.

-Fax counter — Indicates the number of originals that have been scanned by fax and Internet Fax transmissions.

-Network counter — Indicates the number of originals that have been scanned by scan operations.

yFax communications counter for department code

This feature allows you to display the number of the Fax and Internet Fax transmission and reception counter for each department code.

The fax communication counter contains the following counters:

-Transmit — Indicates the number of pages that are sent by Fax transmissions.

-Reception — Indicates the number of pages that are received by polling operations.

1 Press [COUNTER] on the control panel to enter the COUNTER menu. 2 Press [DEPARTMENT COUNTER].

The DEPARTMENT CODE screen is displayed.


The on-screen keyboard is displayed.

222 Department Counter

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Image 224
Toshiba 4540C manual Department Counter, Press Department Code, Print counter for department code