[#] 333303 [#] [AT/TL]



2.2 Terminal Designation

2.2 Terminal Designation

This operation can be performed before any in-line service operation. When this operation is skipped, no specific terminals are designated, i.e., the in-line service operations will be performed to all the terminals.



Any time outside a sale

Mode Lock: SET, X, or Z (depending on the in-line service operations to follow) RTR Declaration ON Status (i.e., the IN-LINE Lamp should be illuminated) To be operated on the Master Terminal only.

[#] Store/Register No. [#]

Enter the Store/Register No. (Max. 6 digits) of the Terminal subject to the in-line service operations to follow.

Repeat for other terminals if more are subject to the in-line service operation.


NOTE: The Terminal Designation once declared by the above operation will be canceled by changing the position of the Mode Lock, or by RTR Declaration Cancel, or by turning OFF and ON the power of the terminal. The designation is automatically canceled on completion of the operation to follow or when a new designation is operated.

ex.) To designate the following Terminal out of two terminals in the system:

Terminal ID No.3: Store/Register No. 333303 (IP Address:

Mode Lock: SET (if operated before DLLs)

The RTR Declaration must be ON (i.e., the IN7(&6725(-LINE Lamp must be illuminated; if not, depress the [RTR] key

to declare RTR status).￿￿￿￿3($&+'5,9(

(Issues a receipt, printing the Store/Register￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿&ORVHG2SHQ3+21(Nos.￿￿￿￿￿￿HYHU\3of681￿DP￿￿the￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿WR:HGQHVGD\￿￿￿￿terminals￿￿￿￿SP￿￿￿￿￿70designated in the above operation.)

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Toshiba MA-1595-1 Series owner manual Terminal Designation, Condition Operation