Next are IP Address settings. You will normally leave these in the factory default condition, which selects “Obtain IP Address automatically” and “Obtain DNS Server Address automatically”. With this selections enabled, the NAS drive will act as a DHCP client and attempt to retrieve its IP Address from the DHCP server active on your LAN.
Under some LAN environments you will need to enter fixed addresses in the form provided.
The bottom of this screen displays the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the product.
When done with this form, press Save to save your settings.
Time Settings
Enter this screen by selecting Control Panel / System / Time Settings. You may manually enter the date, time, and time zone, or alternatively select a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server available on your LAN. When done with this form, press Save to save your changes.
Turn Off Server
If you have a need to restart or turn off your file server, you may do so using the buttons available through Control Panel / System / Turn Off Server. This is a convenient feature if your administration computer is located far away from the NAS drive. Otherwise, you can simply power off the NAS drive to turn off the server.
Basic information about your system, such as the firmware version number and IP address, can be displayed by selecting Control Panel / System / Information. There are no user settings on this screen.
Disk Usage
Basic information about your hard disk, such as total and free space, can be displayed by selecting Control Panel / System / Disk Usage. If you have a USB storage device connected to your