356 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7

Comments See “Linking Input Channels to EU Conversion” on page 109

The VT1422A has five ranges: 0.0625V dc, 0.25 Vdc, 1 Vdc, 4 Vdc, and
16 Vdc. To select a range, simply specify the range value (for example, 4 selects
the 4 V dc range). If a value is specified that is larger than one of the first four
ranges, the VT1422A selects the next higher range (for example, 4.1 selects the
16 Vdc range). Specifying a value larger than 16 causes an error. Specifying 0
selects the lowest range (0.0625 Vdc). Specifying AUTO selects auto range.
The default range (no range parameter specified) is auto range.
If using amplifier SCPs or RSCs, set them first and keep their settings in mind
when specifying a range setting. For instance, if the expected signal voltage is
to be approximately 0.1 Vdc and the amplifier SCP for that channel has a gain
of 8, <range> must be set no lower than 1 Vdc or an input out-of-range condition
will exist.
The <type> parameter specifies the sensor type that will be used to determine
the temperature of the isothermal reference panel. <type> CUSTom is
pre-defined as Type E with 0°C reference junction temp and cannot be redefined.
For <type> THERmistor, the <sub_type> parameter may be specified in ohms
or kilohms.
The *CAL? command calibrates resistance channels based on Current Source
SCP and Sense Amplifier SCP setup at the time of execution. If SCP settings
are changed, those channels are no longer calibrated. *CAL? must be executed
Related Commands: SENSE:FUNC:TEMP
*RST Condition: Reference temperature is 0°C.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage SENSE:REF RTD,92,(@120) sense the reference temperature on
channel 20 using an RTD
SENSE:REF THER,5000,(@113) sense the reference temperature on
channel 113 using a 5k thermistor
Name Parameter
Type Range of
Values Default
type discrete (string) THERmistor | RTD | CUSTom none
sub_type numeric (float32)
numeric (float32) for THER, use 5000
for RTD, use85 | 92
for CUSTom, use 1
range numeric (float32) see comments Vdc
ch_list channel list(string) 100 - 15731 none