Introduction to the 02R
Digital Recording Console 02R Getting Started Guide
the current channel. You can customize your 02R to automatically select the
corresponding display function when you adjust a control in these blocks.
Motorized Faders
In addition to the DISPLAY ACCESS and SELECTED CHANNEL controls,
each input channel and the stereo master channel utilizes a 100mm
motorized fader. When a scene memory is recalled, the faders position
themselves automatically to the levels stored. Fader movements are
replayed automatically in synchronization with time code during playback
of a dynamic automation memory.
The faders allow you to quickly and accurately set the levels for the
selected channels. By pressing the [FLIP] button, you can transfer fader
control over your tape returns as well. Faders can be grouped into one of
four fader groups for control of multiple faders from a single control.
(There are also four mute groups which allow you to toggle a group of
channels on or off.) You can also control two adjacent channels in stereo
with the pair operation using only one fader.
Internal Stereo Effects
The Digital Recording Console 02R features eight auxiliary sends, two of
which are routed to the internal multi-effects stereo processors: Effect1 and
Effect2. Using the power of YAMAHA’s proprietary effects processor chip,
the 02R has a startling range of special effects available to apply to your
mix. Shimmering reverbs, clean and precise delays, flanging and chorus,
and a myriad of other effects are available built right into this mixer. The
effects are processed entirely within the digital domain, ensuring the signal
quality is the finest that a digital system can provide.
The 02R features a simple and convenient analog interface to outboard
signal processing and effects units. When you use the six auxiliary sends,
the signal from those channels is converted to analog at 18-bits linear,
8-times oversampling.
Effects can be applied to input channels or the tape return channels, and the
auxiliary sends can be configured pre-fader or post-fader. There are 40
preset effects programs and 88 user effects programs for you to store your
own settings.
Dynamics Processors
Dynamics processors are generally used to correct or control signal levels.
However, you can also use them creatively to shape the volume envelope
of a sound. The 02R features comprehensive dynamics processors for all
the input, return, buss, and stereo output channels – a total of 50
processors. These processors allow you to compress, expand, limit, gate, or
duck the signals passing through the mixer, giving you unparalleled sonic
quality and flexibility.