102 Internal Effects
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Program 13 — REV SN.ROOM
This is a reverb variation to enhance the sound of a snare drum.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Rev.Time 1.3s
Same as program 1 Same as program 1
Hi.Ratio 0.9
Diff. 8
Ini.Dly 26.0ms
Density 1
LPF 10.0KHz
HPF 180Hz
Rev.Dly 4.0ms
Rev.Bal 90%
Program 14 — REV SN.PLATE
This is also for snare drums, similar to program 13.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Rev.Time 1.7s
Same as program 1 Same as program 1
Hi.Ratio 0.9
Diff. 2
Ini.Dly 20.0ms
Density 1
LPF 11.0KHz
HPF 140Hz
Rev.Dly 6.0ms
Rev.Bal 90%
Program 15 — CHORUS–>REVERB
Stereo chorus followed by reverb. This program will change a dry sound into a warm sound with spread. Use the
reverb Depth parameter to adjust the amount of reverberation.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Freq. 4.5Hz 0.1~40.0Hz Modulation frequency.
Depth 14% 0~100% Modulation depth. The amount of modulation.
Mod.Dly 7.3ms 0.0~255.0ms Modulation delay. The delay time before modulation begins.
Rev.Time 1.7s 0.3~30.0s Reverb time.
Hi.Ratio 0.8 0.1~1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
Diff. 8 0~10 Reverb diffusion.
Ini.Dly 30.0ms 0.1~200.0ms Initial delay between the direct sound and early reflections.
LPF 12.0KHz 1.0kHz~THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF 40Hz THRU~8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Depth 60% 0~100% Reverb depth. The amount of reverb.