106 Internal Effects
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
Program 25 — CHORUS–>DLY LCR
Chorus effect is followed by a three-part delay (L-C-R) with feedback.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Freq. 0.8Hz 0.1~40.0Hz Chorus modulation frequency.
Depth 24% 0~100% Chorus depth. The amount of modulation.
Mod.Dly 5.9ms 0.0~255.0ms Chorus delay. The delay time before modulation starts.
Dly(L) 26.4ms 0.1~1000.0ms Left channel delay time.
Dly(R) 33.2ms 0.1~1000.0ms Right channel delay time.
Dly(C) 13.1ms 0.1~1000.0ms Centre channel delay time.
Level(C) +60 –100 ~ +100 Centre delay volume level.
FB.Dly 40.5ms 0.1~1000.0ms Feedback delay. The delay time before feedback starts.
FB.Gain –48% –99 ~ +99% Feedback gain. The amount of signal returned to the effect.
Hi.Ratio 0.1 0.1~1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
Program 26 — MONODLY–>CHORUS
Mono feedback delay followed by stereo chorus.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Delay 400.0ms 0.1~1000.0ms Delay time.
FB.Gain +32% –99 ~ +99% Feedback gain. The amount of signal returned to the effect.
LPF THRU 1.0kHz~THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU~8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Freq. 0.4Hz 0.1~40.0Hz Chorus modulation frequency.
Mod.Dly 0.1ms 0.0~255.0ms Chorus delay. The delay time before modulation starts.
EQ F 315Hz 160Hz~8.0kHz Equalizer frequency.
EQ G 0dB –12 ~ +12dB Equalizer signal gain.
AM Depth 10% 0~100% Amplitude modulation depth.
PM Depth 40% 0~100% Pitch modulation depth.
Stereo feedback delay followed by stereo echo.
Parameter Setting Range Description
FB.D(L) 220.0ms 0.1~360.0ms Left channel feedback delay time.
FB.G(L) +40% –99 ~ +99% Left channel feedback gain.
FB.D(R) 220.0ms 0.1~360.0ms Right channel feedback delay time.
FB.G(R) +40% –99 ~ +99% Right channel feedback gain.
Hi.Ratio 0.4 0.1~1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
LPF THRU 1.0kHz~THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU~8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Dly(L) 220.0ms 0.1~320.0ms Left channel delay time.
Dly(R) 110.0ms 0.1~320.0ms Right channel delay time.