56 Secondary Recording Tutorial
Digital Recording Console 02R Getting Started Guide
3. Use the CURSOR buttons to select the DYNAMICS OFF icon and
press the [ENTER] button to turn the processor on.
The icon is highlighted in reverse video with the text changed to ON. Being
able to easily turn the dynamics processor on and off allows you to perform
quick A-B listening tests.
4. Select the KEY IN prompt with the CURSOR buttons. Rotate the
encoder wheel or press the [ENTER] button to select the trigger
source for the processor.
By default, the STEREO channel is triggered by itself, pre-equalization
(SELF – PRE-EQ). You can select post-equalization or the signal on the
auxiliary buses, AUX1 or AUX2.
You should select either SELF – PRE-EQ or SELF – POST-EQ.
5. Use the CURSOR buttons to select the compressor control icons.
The control icons are in the box entitled “Comp”. The title of this box
changes depending on the program you select from the dynamics library.
6. Adjust the value of each control icon by rotating the encoder
To compress the stereo output signal, try settings similar to the table below:
The above settings provide a 2:1 compression above –10 dB. This means for
every 1 dB change in input signal level above –10 dB there will be a 0.5 dB
change in the output level. You can increase the output level without as
much risk of clipping. The overall effect is the output signal sounds louder,
essentially because you have limited – or compressed – the dynamic range.
Experiment with the settings until you get an effect that you like.
Note: As you change the KEY IN parameter, the icons in the KEY IN block on
the display also change.
Threshold –10 dB Knee 2
Ratio 2:1 Attack 60 ms
Out Gain 0 dB Release 1.02 sec *1
*1 This value is obtained when the sampling frequency is 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.