F5. Other Functions
This function conveniently lets you set opera- tion of the left pedal to one of the modes listed below.
1.Engage Function mode and select .
2.Press the [+/YES] button to engage the other functions’
Press the

Left Pedal Mode
Setting range:
1.Soft Pedal
The soft pedal reduces the volume and slightly changes the timbre of notes played while the pedal is pressed. The soft pedal will not affect notes that are already playing.
2.Song Start/Stop
This mode allows you to start or stop song playback. In this mode, the Left Pedal functions in the same manner as the SONG [START/STOP] button on the panel.
This mode enables you to switch the Voice’s variation on or off. In this mode, the left pedal functions in the same manner as the [VARIATION] button on the panel.
Normal setting: 1(Soft Pedal)

Soft Pedal Effect Depth
Setting range: 1 – 15
Normal setting: 3
This function sets the depth of the soft pedal effect.

Sustain Sample Depth
Setting range: 0 – 20
Normal setting: 12
The GRAND PIANO 1 and 3 voice features special “Sus- tain Samples” that recreate the unique resonance of an acoustic grand piano’s soundboard and strings when the damper pedal is pressed. This function lets you adjust the depth of this effect.

Keyoff Sample Volume
Setting range: 0 – 20
Normal setting: 10
You can adjust the volume of the keyoff sound (the sub- tle sound produced when the keys are released) for voices [GRAND PIANO 1, 3], [HARPSICHORD] (including their variations) and variation of [GUITAR/CLAVI.].